The Vulnerable

Who We Are

Memeza is a Social Enterprise, founded in 2012 by victims of Gender Based Violence, with the goal to create a safer South Africa.

Memeza works through Private and Public partnerships to target the most vulnerable communities, which enables us to deploy a variety of unique community based solutions, services and technology, specifically designed to create healthier, empowered and flourishing communities.

What is our goal?

To Reduce and Prevent Gender based violence, Prevent the theft of Educational ICT, Promote and Support the responsible use and trading of alcohol, while creating Socio Economic and entrepreneurial opportunities for youth and woman at a community level.

How do we do this?

Through Corporate Social Responsibility and Enterprise Development funding provided by our impact partners, Memeza is able to provide our “sponsored” services to communities.


BY 2030, people living in South Africa should have no fear of crime.
Women, children, and those who are vulnerable should feel protected.
( Memeza’s vision is aligned with the National Development Plan goal )


We aim to Prevent GBV & Crime through: Serving our communities, Protecting the Vulnerable,
Building Partners and Improving Response times.

Bringing Safety to South Africa

MeMeZa empowers the most vulnerable communities with tangible safety technology,
linked directly with Community Policing Forums, Neighbours, Family, Friends,
and the South African Police Services (SAPS)

How big is the problem?

South Africa is listed as the 5th most dangerous country in the world.

The State of Gender Based Violence

  • Every 8 hours a woman is killed by her legitimate partner.
  • 10818 rape cases reported to SAPS in the 1st Quarter of 2022.
  • KPMG Study in 2012/13 found that GBV cost the economy an estimated R28.4bn to 42.4bn.

The State of Eucation

  • SA has nearly 26 000 schools and 13 Million students. 85% of Students attend No fee paying schools that are poorly funded schools, with minimal access to ICT.
  • During COVID, over 1000+ of these vulnerable and poorly funded schools were burgled and their educational ICT stolen.

The State of Alcohol Abuse

  • Alcohol remains the primary substance of abuse in South Africa, between 7.5% and 31.5% of South Africans have an alcohol problem or are at risk of developing one (NDMP 2006-2011)
  • Alcohol consumption has been found to be a major factor in interpersonal violence.

Memeza Solution

Memeza enables Public and Private partnerships through all our programmes, ensuring the Corporate South Africa and Government can work together towards a better South Africa.

Prevention & reduction of GBV

  • Prevention and reduction of Gender Based Violence through innovative technology and solutions offerings and community based awareness programmes, providing victims a direct link and support from community based GBV Response networks.
  • Click here to see more

Reduction of Educational ICT Theft

  • Reduction in Educational ICT Theft through providing vulnerable schools a niche offering to track, monitor and protect valuable educational ICT, with a 24x7 monitoring and response service linked to SAPS, CPF and SA’s widest private security network.
  • Click here to see more

Responsible use & trading of alcohol

  • Liquor Trader Compliance Improvement and Pedestrian Safety programmes, providing large scale liquor outlet survey and community based intelligence gathering offerings, with the aim to create safer and more responsible communities, working in partnership with The Liquor Industry.
  • Click here to see more


Gender Based Violence


Proven reduction in Sexual Offences (Diepsloot Pilot)


Vulnerable people equipped with Community Alarms (Nationally)


Vulnerable Woman equipped with Personal alarms (Nationally)



Learners educational ICT Secured (Nationally)


Schools linked to 24x7 Response networks (Nationally)

Alcohol Abuse


Liquor Outlets Audited (National)


Improvement in Liquor Compliance


Pedestrians assisted to a place of safety

Income Opportunities Created


Youth trained and income opportunities provided



SAPS stations and CPF’s partnered with Memeza.


Communities Nationally active – ability to activate new communities seamlessly.




Musawenkosi Masina

Community Installer

It changed my life in terms of a job opportunity that they gave me as it is a community linked life saver in terms of many aspects. E.g. Protects the community by helping them in an easier way to get help from SAPS.

Agnes Seshaka

Community Member

Since I got the alarm system, I sleep and feel safe, compared to the past years. We used to live in fear all the  time, but now we can call the Police and CPF ourselves by pushing the button.  Once I used the alarm to ask the police to call the ambulance as an old grandmother was very sick, and the Police helped me. Thank you Police and MeMeZa.

Hudsen Muki

Community Member

One of my tenants shacks was on fire and I rushed to press the panic button of my MeMeZa. The police assisted us in getting the fire fighters. This happened at 2am in the morning.

NM Tsuene

Community Member

A No Fee School was broken into. The thieves broke into the kitchen area where the MeMeZa Policing Alarm was not installed. When the thieves proceeded to the classrooms where ICT equipment are kept, the MeMeZa Community Policing Alarm sensor activated the siren and SMS functionality. The criminals did try and break the sirens to stop the noise, however fled as the sirens kept ringing and they knew people were on the way. No ICT was stolen.


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